Hey! I'm Christine Montalbano, in addition to scuba diving, making pasta, and running, I create bold and immersive experiences
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Redefining “long distance relationship”


Fam is a mobile application I created to help family members stay connected without bothering each other throughout the day. A problem that occurs in the life of college students and young working adults is staying in contact with not only immediate family, but my extended family. Although we all use social media, everything posted on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc… is very surface-level material. Fam provides a deeper connection.


The Process

Fam will target immediate family members as well as extended family interested in becoming more invested in each others lives. 

Initial Thoughts


Gathering Data


This problem relates to myself as well and I created this three dimensional calendar to track the emotions / interactions amongst my family members and I over 28 days.

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User Story

Tracking miscommunication among family members



Wireframe Skeleton


Low Fidelity Wireframe

Wireframe for navigation


Final Prototype


Going Forward: How to improve the fam experience?

  1. Combined calendar