Hey! I'm Christine Montalbano, in addition to scuba diving, making pasta, and running, I create bold and immersive experiences




Go links students to other students or faculty in a less formal way. With Go, users can alter their profile settings to filter those at their University with similar interests.


The Process

The process began by understanding platforms that incoming college students were familiar with

I had to understand what my user was currently familiar with.


Incoming College Student

Initial Thoughts

I recorded my initial thoughts and ideas.

Results From College Student Observation

I conducted a Google Form to understand the standpoint of the new student.

Responses from incoming college students


User Story

User Story. Understanding pain and gain

Low Fidelity Wireframe Sketches

I continued to iterate my wireframe.
I then moved my wireframe to Adobe XD in order to manipulate it easier. This allowed me to point out some flaws and iterate to create a better prototype.

User Journey

User Journey

Going Forward: How to better the Go experience

Realization / added features: Add club and browse club page


Where I messed up